He is Muhammad Jaafar bin Muhammad Husayn bin Muhammad Mahdi al-Musawi, al-Shahristani al-Haeri, a jurist, a genealogist, from the holy city of Karbala.
He was born in Karbala in 1951 Hijri, 1201 AD, and grew up in it as student since his early years, so he studied some of Islamic sciences at the hands of his father and other scholars from the city.
He traveled to Isfahan at the end of 1253 Hijri, 1837 AD to demand the tenants of the endowments of his ancestors, especially the endowment of "Mirza Fadlallah al-Shahristani" in Isfahan and the rest of the Iranian cities, and before he return to Karbala, the illness became severe during his passage in Kermanshah city where he died.
During his life, Al-Shahristani wrote many of the most prominent books back then such as:
Rijal Al-Sayyid Mirza Muhamad Jaafar Al-Shahrstani.
Risalat Dafi' Shubahat Al-Sayyid Muhamad Baqir Hujjat Al-Islam Alr-Rashti regarding the endowments of Mirza Fadhl al-Shahristani.
Taqlid Al-Mayta.
Rsalat fi Al-Ghayba.
Risala fi Al-Asir.
Sayyid Muhammad Jaafar al-Shahristani continued his scholarly quest until he passed away in Kermanshah on the night of Eid al-Ghadeer at 18th of Dhu al-Hijjah 1260 Hijri, 1844 AD.
Mawsueat Karbala Al-Hadharia, publication of Karbala Center for Studies and Research.
[Vol. 4, p. 88-90].