The Wahhabis regard Tawhid as having three parts: (1) Tawhid in Lordship (rububi), (2) Tawhid in Divinity (uluhi), and (3) Tawhid in the Names and Attributes (asma’ wa sifat).
Tawhid in Lordship (rububi)
It means that only the Essence of God has all the absolute and perfect Attributes. In other words, Tawhid in Lordship is the Tawhid in recognizing and proving God whose proofs are the verses of Surah al Kafirun, 9 the verse,
﴿قُلْ يَا أَهْلَ الْكِتَابِ تَعَالَوْا إِلَى كَلِمَةٍ…﴾
Say, ’O People of the Book! Come to a word common…10
And other verses.
Tawhid in Divinity (uluhi or uluhiyyah)
It is the belief in the fact that only God is worthy of worship and praise, and there is not other that god worshipped being beside Him.It is the belief in the fact that only God is worthy of worship and praise, and there is not other that god worshipped being beside Him.It is the belief in the fact that only God is worthy of worship and praise, and there is not other that god worshipped being beside Him.
A New Analysis of Wahhabi Doctrines
By: Muhammad Husayn Ibrahimi
ABWA Publishing and Printing Center
[Pg. 22].