By Karrar Husain
Published 1991 by Islamic Culture & Research Institute in Karachi .
Religious life -- Shīʼah., Shīʼah.
Edition Notes
Other titles Message of Islam and Karbala.
LC Classifications BP194.7 .K37 1991
The Physical Object
Pagination 97 p.
Number of Pages 97
ID Numbers
Open Library OL1690365M
LC Control Number 91930901
The message of Islam is a single message, with several aspects, of which Shia’ism is one. Strictly speaking, neither Hussain nor any human has any impact on the unitary message of Islam. It is the message rather, that has an impact on them. But the impact of which we are speaking is the way the message is exemplified by Hussain. Lessons of Karbala (10th Muharram): Views of Faith Scholars. The event of Karbala marks the greatest sacrifice for the sake of God in the human history. The minute and stunning details of this great event have been written and survived from the very first day by the eye witnesses.
Karbala's prominence in Shi'a Islam is the result of the Battle of Karbala, fought on the site of the modern city on the 10th of Muharram in 61 A.H. (Octo ). Both Husain and his brother Abbas were buried by the local Bani Asad tribe at what later became known as the Mashad al-Husain. The city grew up around the tombs, though the date. presents "The Karbala: Story of sacrifice to save humanity from extinction," is an e-book, which contain details about "The great tragedy of Karbala," which occurred on the land of Karbala / Iraq. This book is compiled specifically for dawah purposes to non Muslims as well as Muslims.
Readers of Ocean of Melancholy, translated by Alo Shome, can get an insight into the events that led to the battle of Karbala and its aftermath. The book, brought out by Niyogi Books under its. This Booklet comprises useful Madani pearls especially for Islamic sisters.