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11:58 PM | 2018-11-10 2845
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The Supreme Religious Authority : That's Why Iraq Has Descended to This Situation.. That Who Committed to These Elements Can Achieve Success and Reach The Goals

The supreme religious authority's representative has reviewed in the second sermon of the Friday prayers held in the holy shrine of Al-Imam Al-Hussein "peace be upon him", the elements of successful job performance and their role in the life of the individual and society.

Sheikh Abdul-Mahdi al-Karbalai said on Friday November 9,2018 that "The man in general, whether he was a politician, minister, MP , judge, professor or teacher, is assigned with a mission in life.

"There are a set of elements -if the people committed to them- then they will be able to achieve success in their careers and reach the goals sought in life," he added.

Al-Karbalai noted that "The absence of elements of successful job performance in our lives is one of the reasons that brought Iraq into the situation where it is now," pointing out that the performance expressed by the man's work is one of the basic factors that make the man succeed in achieving his/her goals in life, while the reluctance to work and depending on laziness and laxity is a key factor to failure and lack of access in life".

He added that "Hard working and successful job performance are important humanitarian principle linked to the other principles in which a person got valued and manage to preserve his/her stature, dignity and respect, as well as they considered to be an essential elements for the man's value and position in society towards other societies".

The supreme religious authority's representative has pointed to the Islam's view about work, saying that " Islam has significantly urged and enticed its followers to work and to show high spirit regarding the performance of life functions," citing verses of the holy Quran and Hadeeths that mentioned this meaning as they warned at the same time of laziness and reluctance in work and revealed the negative results for these behaviors just like in the verse (It is He Who has made the earth manageable for you, so traverse ye through its tracts and enjoy of the Sustenance which He furnishes; but unto Him is the Resurrection ), describing that the verse indicates that God Almighty says the land had been equipped for you to do your tasks in life and to build the land".

He also explained that the work of man, whether it was a worship work or non-worship work, and the extent of its benefit and validity, is under the watch and consideration of Allah and his messenger and believers, citing the Hadeeth that says (No one has ever ate a food better than that eaten as a result of the man's own hands), indicating that Prophet David "peace be upon him" was eating from the harvest of his own hands, and pointing out that Islam warned at the same time of laziness and laxity in the work assigned to the man, citing the Hadeeth of the prophet Muhammad "peace be upon him" when he said (The thing I feared most for my nation is obesity , the maintenance of sleep and laziness).


Al-Karbalai stressed that Islam regards the work as a glorification, reverence and respect, and considers the value of a man as the service he/she provides to the society. Islam is also considering that the person who persists in achieving his/her daily bread is performing another form of  jihad and worship that deemed to be more valuable than the man who depends on worshipping and slacks in work, explaining that a man with a small amount of worshipping because of exhaustion and hardworking, has higher value than that worshipped a lot with a little work and activity.

"Allah has placed in the man's instincts the orientation and love to work as well as the good, justice and the love for helping others. However, the environment with its various titles is the one corrupting these instincts, and also corrupting the individual and social values," he revealed, adding that "Through the biography of the prophets and Imams (peace be upon them), we find that they were working in the orchards or in the plowing of the lands as well as other types of work in order to collect their sustenance, which puts them at the same time as role models for us regarding the love and sanctification of work".

He also considers that one of the elements of successful job performance is the sense of the importance of work, its sanctity, its crucial role in society's development, not to mention the consideration of work as an important human-linked principle for the man's stature as Allah's successor in the land, which made him entrusted with a series of sacred and important tasks, beside the one related to delivering heaven's message to other human beings and the reconstruction of the earth, in a way that contributed to the service and development of man as a creature with a thought, mind, prophets and regulations.

Sheikh Abdul-Mahdi al-Karbalai noted that "The believers consider work as a divine responsibility that Allah entrusted them to promote it, while the unbelievers are considering work as a noble and esteemed mission assigned to them," explaining that some societies that do not believe in religions are characterized by working night and day as well as considering work as a principle and a human value with a serious role in the preservation of human development and prosperity," pointing out that "Whenever we have this feeling, then we can deliver the motivation and rush that drives the human to be effective and to practice the work and job entrusted to him/her in the best way for the sake of the self-service and upgrading the society".

The supreme religious authority's representative has also highlighted the nature of laws, legislations and the political system of the society, as an important component of successful job performance, by confirming that "The more the political system and its members are characterized by respect for the performance assigned to them as well as their keenness to issue legislations and laws that preserve the work its important role in the community, the more that reflected on the improvement of this performance and activity".

"Successful job performance has elements that are related to the worker himself, and to the working group's performance -whether it was small or large- and to the performance of the general community as a whole," he continued.

Al-Karbalai has concluded with his regret about the situation in Iraq, saying: "Regrettably, our society in Iraq as individuals and as an entity has missed many of the basic principles and basic values for professional success, which led to this significant decline in the level of public services, which also made this country unable to be independent with its capabilities and resources despite its great potentials and became dependent on others even with the simplest things and needs of life, leaving a bad impact even on its position among other communities.

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