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05:03 AM | 2022-04-10 1713
جانب من تشيع الشهيد زكي غنام
تحميل الصورة

Global terrorism dates all the way back to Karbala: article

Shias are totally against Wahabi terrorism but its strain from centuries past forces its followers to obey the violent re-interpretation of true Islam


Islam prohibits violence and promotes peace and justice. The Quran says: “Prophet Mohammad was sent to the world as a mercy to mankind (21:107).” It categorically states: “Allah abhors any disturbance of peace (2:205).” When there is no permission of violence in Islam, why is there worldwide terrorism in its name? The answer to this crucial question is that 50 years after the death of Prophet Mohammad in 632 AD, the true faith of Islam was hijacked by self-proclaimed caliphs to use the religion as a platform for establishing their empire with the support of the growing influence of Islam in Arabia. As a result, the true religion started getting defaced by virulent political power wielders through the might of the sword.


According to, this devastating process mainly began with the immoral and hardcore terrorist Yazid- ibn-Muawia who, after subscribing to Islam outwardly with the criminal intent to capture political power, proclaimed himself as the “false caliph of Islam” and leader of the “faithful” by terrorizing and killing Muslims through his gang of thugs to silence the opposing voices. The real successor of the Hon’ble seat of the Caliphate was Hazrat Imam Husain, the grandson of the Prophet, whose rightful succession was usurped by Yazid. He demanded allegiance from Hazrat Imam Husain to acknowledge him as leader of the faithful. Imam Husain refused to pledge allegiance to the criminal/murderer as the caliph. Yazid then assassinated Hazrat Imam Husain and 72 of his family members and companions mercilessly in the desert of Karbala (Iraq) in 680 AD. Yazid defaced the true teachings of religion and pseudo-Islam emerged. This was the beginning of terrorism in the cloak of Islam.


However, the current scenario of terrorism is the revival of Yazid’s model of terrorism in the form of Wahhabi/Salafi ideology, an offshoot of the Sunni Muslim sect. Wahhabism can best be explained through the words of British historian Charles Allen, who in his book God’s Terrorists — The Wahhabi Cult and the Hidden Roots of Modern Jihad, writes: “Wahhabi is the guiding ideology behind modern Islamist terrorism. In the late 18th century, a violently intolerant re-interpretation of Islam took root in the Arabian Desert. Its followers became known after their founder (Sheikh Muhammad Najdi ibn Abd-al-Wahhabi) as Wahhabis.” Wahhabi ideology is enshrined in Kitab-al Tawhid (book of unity), which prescribes forceful conversion of Muslims and others to his Wahhabi ideology wherein he manifestly says: “Follow my ideology; else get ready to be killed.”


His ideology was strongly opposed by the Muslim masses, especially the Shia Muslims. However, when the opposition mounted against his ideology, Najdi was shrewd enough to find a patron in Muhammad-ibn-Saud, a Bedouin tribal chief. Ibn Saud belonged to the Zionist tribe of Anza Ben Wael. Islam is not the original religion of Saudi Arab rulers. Sheikh Najdi, too, belonging to Zionist ancestry, not only made an alliance with Ibn Saud but also got his daughter married to Ibn Saud’s son Abd-Al-Aziz Ibn Saud. Thereafter, the faith was of Sheikh Najdi and the sword was of Ibn Saud. A dynastic Government was established as a result of this partnership, which is still continuing in the name of Saudi Arabia.


Again, the question arises as to why Wahhabi terrorists kill Shia Muslims? The answer is that Shia Muslims are totally against Wahhabi terrorism.


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